
7-29-2010: New (uprighted) video loaded on "Nitty Gritty" :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


How are we down to 4 already? Wow! Time flies! Today is more sediment coring so the lab is full of crazy science. In one small lab, we have three people working on squeezing the water out of the sand and mud, 1 person working on prepping samples for chemistry work and the two of us microbiologists prepping samples for microscope and DNA work. We often get to laughing about how much we bump into each other trying to get through the small passage ways. You gotta laugh. After all, we're all "old friends" now that we've sailed together on this expedition.

Not much else to report today. Just more coring and processing and writing of cruise reports. We haven't had time to pack or do much else.

Yay for still having lemons and lettuce! Ah, it's the little things that make life wonderful! :)


  1. Only 4 more to go! Wow! This morning, we talked about how these are the last two days we will have to write to you while you are onboard the ship! We are getting giddy with anticipation! Here are some thoughts and questions:
    M wants to know what day you plan on visiting Challenger.
    L.E. is excited to meet you and wants to know if you are bringing the guy who works on the drill (Bubba). He also asks, "Are you going to go out on a ship again?" and "How does the captain get gas for the ship?" (fuel for the return trip?)
    Ms. Lucy wonders if you can/would take pictures of the stars in the night sky. She thinks it would be SO COOL!
    Maria asks, "Can you bring pictures of dolphins and life on the JR?"

    We feel very fortunate that you have shared this experience with us and wish you the best on your last days at sea. :-)

  2. WooHoo! I'm giddy too. I can't wait to be home!

    M - I don't know yet. Probably thursday, Sept 16th in the afternoon but I'll know after I get back to shore.

    LE - I'm excited too! I got Bubba's phone number and if it works in his schedule, I will bring him with me. But we'll have to see if he's free yet. He'll know when he gets back to Phx in a week or so.

    Yes, I will probably be on the ship again next year when we head to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Exciting!!

    The captain fills up at the dock before we leave. Much like we fill up at the gas station but A LOT more fuel! He has to fill up on all the fuel he needs before he goes. There's no way to get it out at sea. Fortunately, though, we have plenty for the return trip home. :)

    Ms. Lucy - :( We can't see any more stars from the ship than we do from home. Reason being is that the ship has to have lots of lights on for safety and for navigation. It's extremely bright out on the deck at night, which is rather eerie - you stand on the deck and look out into the ocean and see NOTHING! Not even the horizon because it's so dark out there. But you go up on the top deck and there are so many lights on that we can only see the big dipper and a few others. Big time bummer!! I agree, it would be SO COOL to see them. :(

    Maria - Yes, I can bring LOTS of pictures of the porpoises we saw as well as some whale and shark pictures. Such beautiful creatures!

    Thanks for your well wishes! I can't wait to visit with you all and show you some really cool stuff. Have a great friday!
